Sunday started much the same way that Saturday did, with Bubby and Zeyda being awaken by an avalanche of red-headed granddaughters. Another walk to the park after a breakfast per the request of the grandkids, trips to the supermarket guide by the grandkids, not only in getting to the store and around town (no easy feat as Duane would discover later) but also around the store and in the purchases made. It was only after their parents returned did we learn how much we had been conned into buying things that weren’t normally allowed in the house. “Yes we always have apple juice in the house,” sounded good to us. Bubby wasn’t all that innocent either. Leaving Duane to work on the computer, all 3 females retired to the upstairs bedroom for a little female conspiracy and another trip to the store. It was decided that Zeyda’s birthday should be celebrated a week earlier than its actual date since we would be leaving before the real date. So gifts and cards were made. A red, white, and blue theme decided on in keeping with a Flag Day birthday and all the trimmings, cake, ice cream and whipped cream purchased. Again the kids showed their ability to keep a secret, as Duane had no idea what was going on until they sprung the surprise party on him. He got a beautiful picture of the flag waving on a summer day and a seashell pendant necklace for gifts along with two wonderful home made cards.
They put a lot of thought and energy into the day, because when it was suggested that they go to bed before Mom and Dad got home late that evening, there was no argument. So they went to bed and Zeyda headed out to the airport to pick up Heather and David. All went well until Duane got lost in Downtown Reno and spent half an hour driving around in circles. Finally David called and talked him back to the freeway. From there it was only a short trip to pick them up and let them drive home.
They put a lot of thought and energy into the day, because when it was suggested that they go to bed before Mom and Dad got home late that evening, there was no argument. So they went to bed and Zeyda headed out to the airport to pick up Heather and David. All went well until Duane got lost in Downtown Reno and spent half an hour driving around in circles. Finally David called and talked him back to the freeway. From there it was only a short trip to pick them up and let them drive home.
Sounds like you are having a good time. I love the name "Zeyda".
Loved the picture of Duane and the two granddaughters. He really looks TIRED.
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