There were several herds of elk in the parks. We were lucky enough to see some. This one decided to pose for us.
This is the roots of one of the fallen giants. Remember, these are smaller than Sequoias. Wow!
One tree splintered. Don't know why, but there was a huge pile of splintered wood near this tree. Can't imagine what caused it. Any ideas?
Onward and upward, if north is up. We drove around Portland, to keep away from as much traffic as possible and on to the Lucky Eagle Casino we heard about at KFC. Isn't that were everyone goes for travel info. The young lady who worked behind the counter used her cell to google a casino on our way north. A customer assisted with travel tips. That is one of the best parts of trabvelling, the people we meet along the way. Anyway, the casino had a hotel attached and we were hoping to stay over, but all that was available was the executive sweet for about $300 and I didn't think I could win that much, but I tried. I made a little. So we drove back an exit on the I-5 and stayed there.
Next day we drove on to Seattle. But....we were too close and would arrive too early, so guess where were stopped for an hour??????RIGHT..Emeral Green Casino, a hugh place in Tacoma, Washington. I won $30 there. (don't get excited..I'm sure this money will just be a starting stake for the ship)
We arrived at Gisela and Wolfie's house in the early afternoon. Another lovely home that was made open to us. People are great. We spent 2 nites with them. After a lovely dinner and evening of conversation where we learned much about life in Germany and Austria during WWII and after, the Russian occupation. It seems that we were not taught about a lot of history happening over there. We were inthralled by their stories. The next day we were taken to see there property on Whidbey Island. Gisela has 5 green thumbs on each hand. Here home and here weekend property are botanical gardens. We had a wonderful time. They dropped us at the port and away we went after wishing them a wonderful trip, since they are going to Germany in a couple of days.
We had no trouble boarding the ship, no lines, right on. Unpacked our stuff, had dinner, saw the show and collapsed. We are still recovering from all the travels. We have a day at sea and we will use it to the fullest to rest.
Today, May 16th we arrived at Ketchican, were we rode the local bus around the area to a totem pole park, and Walmart and to forest service information center. It was raining, not a surprise, but just a little. It was a pleasant day for us since we had been here before and seen quite a bit then. It is a small touristy town with an old part on a boardwalk and shops. Did see our first Alaskan bald eagle (we saw one in Seattle, not counting the ones we see at home) So tomorrow we go to try and see Glacier Bay. Last trip we didn't get to see it. More about that next time.
Sorry it took so long to catch up, but now we are all caught up and will try to keep it that way (with luck) Hope all is well with you all. We are having a great time.
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